The magic in teamwork

The magic in ‘teamwork’ is created when a collection of individuals contributes their unique gifts, talents, and skills in a complementary way. A company’s success lies in its ability to place these individuals in teams that work together toward a common goal and purpose.

When people work together to reach a common objective, trust and commitment follow because the team must rely on everyone to do what they do best. A team without trust is not really a team – it is just a group of individuals, working together, often making disappointing progress and not reaching their full potential.

Teamwork and collaboration can foster a healthy work culture and environment where each team member is respected and valued for the skillset they bring. Understanding everyone’s individual strengths will help you create a winning, effective team. 

Below are a few tried-and-true methods for building team collaboration that will foster mutual trust, respect, and accountability:

✔️Establish common objectives
✔️Set expectations
✔️Uncover hidden assumptions and openly discuss them
✔️Create a trustful environment
✔️Communicate clearly and effectively
✔️Get to know each individual and focus on their strengths
✔️Encourage fresh ideas

Contact me at marieclaire.junge@shift-to-thrive to assist your organisation in improving the quality of its teamwork.