Kill your darlings. Move on. Go with the flow. Relax. We’ve all heard these things before. But let’s not kid ourselves, letting go is tough.
When we’ve poured ourselves into something, whether it is a project, a career path, or a relationship, it can be incredibly challenging to let go. Over time we attribute value to different areas of our life, and when some of those things fade, we can feel lost or insecure.
But just like flowers that must wilt and fall before rooting and growing again – we also need to allow ourselves to take distance from what we’ve outgrown, in order to make space for what could be.
This is relevant for large, as well as small events in our lives. Just last week I co-hosted a workshop that went from being an intricately designed module to an intimate, unpredictable conversation. Something that wouldn’t have been as meaningful or powerful had we not been willing to let go of our expectations and attachment to the original plan.
When is the last time you consciously let go of something, only to find that it paid you back in spades?